My sweet friend, Bridgett Brainard, reviewed the new “Illustrating Bible” created by Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, and DaySpring. She also compared it to several other journaling Bibles so that you can get a good look at other popular versions. There are so many great options available right now! Check out more of Bridgett’s Bible pages and her Etsy Shop by following her on Instagram at: Scribbles on My Heart.
***************** Some more info about the Bible: The new “Illustrating Bible” uses the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) version. It is a nice blend of word-for-word and thought-for-thought. It is a trustworthy, reliable, and God-honoring translation. It is understandable for modern readers without being too simple. The CSB is published by Broadman & Holman, a trusted publisher of Bibles for decades. I think that you will enjoy reading it.
AuthorAnn Kardos, ArchivesCategories |